Title says all...
With its delightful, bold humor, this animation pleases the majority of we, Newgrounders, and the title says it all.
all my 5 r belon 2 dis!!!
Title says all...
With its delightful, bold humor, this animation pleases the majority of we, Newgrounders, and the title says it all.
all my 5 r belon 2 dis!!!
Simple and Awesome
I love the simplicity and the storyline. The graphics might be minimal but hell, who cares? As long as it's comely and the jokes are funny, it's one heck of a ride!
Not Terribly Funny
While the art can certainly be improved (no doubt about that), the storyline is kinda boring and too predictable. Hone both your artistic and storywriting skills and you'll be an amazing Flash animator.
Yes the art could have been better. But I thouht the storyline was okay, considering that this is just a short.
Anyway Thanks for the helpful review!
A Better Choice than Wikipedia but Duller
TakeTwo does have some great info and it did update me on the fact that Pong wasn't the first video game but it was the first commercially sold video game so that's pretty cool.
However, there isn't any action that engages me to watch the whole thing so it's a pity that the effort will go to waste.
Okami-Inspired Animation is Epic!
After beating the game twice, I feel amazed by the animation. It probably took you days getting the brush work right. It feels artistic and the colors were just right. You better make more flash animations to make Amaterasu happy :D
... What?
This is a weird flash movie. I don't understand the plot or the story really well. The graphics are horrible and don't overuse gradients. What this flash movie needs is concrete storyboarding and better graphics.
Great Tribute to Songs to Wear Pants To!
These are some of the best shorts I've seen so far! Although you're missing my favorite songs, "Never Been in Love" and "Fishcat Catfish", it's pretty awesome!
I love it!
Awesome Movie!
I love the interesting storyline and the graphics. Nice job! The frame-by-frame animation is really smooth!
There is no doubt that this is going to be an underdog or a daily winner :)
This movie is in fact, delicious and moist.
Loved Portal. Loved "Still Alive". Great to see that this Flash was dedicated to the humorous Portal.
The graphics are awesome too. Great job, looking forward for more.
How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. Ha ha ha ha.
Age 31, Male
Somewhere On Earth
Joined on 9/26/05